Dear fellow music fanatics: I felt that my reviews needed a home of their own.What follows behind this are reviews out of order from the past which were transferred in from where they were originally posted.I am sorry they appear out of order, but trying to arrange them in order was a nightmare, so I copied them in a way that I felt was not too confusing. After this, they will post in the order that I write them and will be in the archive by month.
If a review about you is missing here and would like it moved from My Space, I will do it for you. Just shoot me an e mail request at and I will take the time to move it.
Your friend in music,
If a review about you is missing here and would like it moved from My Space, I will do it for you. Just shoot me an e mail request at and I will take the time to move it.
Your friend in music,
Patty McGehee's Review of 2 CD's
By Ernest James Zydeco
By Ernest James Zydeco
Normally I go to live shows, take photos, meet the performers, hang out with them and then write. This situation is different. I was searching for videos to use in my classes that I teach and ran across a promo for Ernest James Zydeco on Valcour records web site. What caught my eye was, this is NOT a Valcour release, and Ernest James is from Oakland California, now living in, get this, Kansas City, Missouri!
So, I click on a demo and I was pleasantly surprised. I read a bit and find the connection: Ernest James' father is from Pineville Louisiana. So, after listening to two cuts, I decided he would be an interesting person to connect with, and maybe he would like my reviews, so I zip him a friend invite on FB, thinking, what the hey, maybe he will dig the up close look at Louisiana juke joints that my writings and photos portray.
So a couple of days later, Ernest befriends me and sends me a question: Would I listen to his CD's and write a review of them? This was interesting, to say the least. I warned him that I would have to be honest about what I thought. However, I have always focused on the ethereal nature of the live show, the quest for the perfect show, the search for that rare musical moment, that...that ...Bix Beiderbecke moment....
Now, for those of you that don't know who Bix was, let me give you a very short music history lesson. Bix was a cornet player that was cursed with the idea that if he could just practice more and more and more, eventually he would finally find that elusive moment where he would play the perfect cornet solo that out shined more any other cornet solos. Bix burned himself out with his obsession with perfection. In his frustration, he became an alcoholic trying to drown out the reality that the ethereal nature of what he was trying to do did not exist.
He was famous for playing with Paul Whiteman's Orchestra in the 1920's and in several other famous Orchestras. He was thrown out of several because he had a tendency to "showboat" unexpectedly without following the orchestra leader's arrangements. The audience LOVED him. In 1929 He died of alcoholic seizure and edema on the brain.
Well, here I was, trying to decide, should I write a review on a CD, a non live performance? How would I go about writing about a CD, a form of music that is NOT ethereal in nature, but fixed and unchanging?
Ernest said he would mail me the CD's and before I realized what was happening, three days later, two CD's arrived on my doorstep. I opened the seals with trepidation. A Zydeco performer from Oakland California? Mmmmm. Could I review them unbiased? I had been to see the real thing many times. All those shows out at Jay's Lounge in 1973 to see Clifton Chenier rang in my memory. Boozoo Chevais, Beau Joucque, Chubby Carrier, Corey Ledet, Lil' Nathan, Buckwheat (Stanley Durel), Keith Frank, Terrance Simien, Ken Hebert, Roddy Romero, Dwayne Dopsie, Rockin' Dopsie, and Joe Brown...could Ernest hold a candle to them? Not to mention, my own Father, Clarence C.F. Whitey Fuller who was known to pick up and play the accordion back in the 1950's on our porch, playing for hours and attracting the attention of all the neighbors up to a block away.
I took the CD's into the car, I listened to them non stop for four days. I found the two discs very pleasing. Then I just HAD TO call Ernest James upon the phone. We had a delightful 45 minute conversation about it all: his gigs, his life, his influences,his growing up experience in Oakland California which involved hanging out with some street musicians playing in drum circles, and all about the Kansas City music scene, which seems to be very fulfilling to him. There were many parallels in our lives when it came to some of our experiences wandering around in the city as teenagers. He was in Oakland, and I was in New Orleans 20 years before him, running around the French Quarter and in the Uptown clubs with a fake ID listening to live music. I asked him if he had ever come down to Louisiana and get to know some of the Zydeco performers and he mentioned one trip he had made and wound up in a Jam session with Amede Ardoin's band members. How wonderful, I thought! Yes, he had met the real deal, up front and in person!
Now for the review: The first CD, released in 2009, titled "Jubilee" is my favorite of the two. There was an undercurrent of the Zydeco Blues, which, of course knocks me out. But, while very much schooled in the standard Zydeco styled accordion riffs, Ernest writes lyrics that reflect his world. On "Thought about Venus," he writes a love song about camping and star gazing with a woman named Jessie James, ( who I guessed is probably his wife,) who pushes him to do things he normally he would not do, like swim in the river, which I believe, is just a metaphor for opening himself up to new things that she leads him to. It is a wonderful love song revealing that he had to learn to trust her lead.
"My Little Josephine" is a funky little song that taps back into the Beatnik Jazz/Blues groove of the 1950's. It is very clever and is a fresh new take on that era. I love it immensely. I found myself hitting replay on that song several times every time it played. The previous song on the disc, "My little 'Hosephine, the same song done in a different style was not as pleasing to me. Ernest sings using Creole Patois on part and then lapses into regular Californian dialect in other parts, which spoils it for me. One way or the other, Ernest, I thought. Creole Patois, or Californian. Make up your mind.
My guess is that Ernest was so emotionally attached to both versions he could not chose just one of the two for the disc, so put them both on, kind of like having twins and knowing you love them both. It is impossible to choose one over the other.
Then there are the hardcore Zydeco songs most of which are found on the CD released in 2010 named " Roots Rocket Radio." Zydeco Festival, and Mama's in the Kitchen, are two of my favorite cuts here. The lyrics on Honey Zydeco, "Licking honey off a razor's edge" really get to me! It epitomizes loving a person that you KNOW is bad for you. You know, that kind of moth to the flame kind of love? It is all wonderful, music in synch and lyrics that knock me out. Beautiful.
Throughout the two CD's runs a tiny musical thread that can be picked up now and then that reflects Ernest's Oakland California influence. He weaves it in unexpectedly. He claims not to see that influence at all. But, I catch it in the guitar licks that slip in from time to time. In some places a cool slide guitar seeps in.
There are some repeats of songs that appear on the same disc, which Ernest calls "Dub" versions. They are the same songs altered with sound effects that distort the songs. For those of you who like that type of musical experimentation, they will be a treat. For my interests, I prefer natural musical notes without distortion. However, I revel in the IDEA that Ernest has the nerve to experiment this way and push the envelope. The undercurrent of Blues is pleasing.
On the second disc, "Roots Rocket Radio," Ernest fools around with a joke theme in between songs about an alien space ship that lands and abducts the band in the end. On first listen, it seemed silly. In retrospect, it lies within Zydeco guidelines, for every Zydeco performer I have seen has their joking moments during their show where they lighten things up. Case in point: During Chubby Carrier's show, they circle the club with a bottle of Hot Sauce and get people to take drops of it on their tongue.
What I found was two solid CD's of well written songs, pushing the Zydeco envelope, opening up my reality: Zydeco is really an art form that can be woven into and OUT OF Louisiana.
So, I click on a demo and I was pleasantly surprised. I read a bit and find the connection: Ernest James' father is from Pineville Louisiana. So, after listening to two cuts, I decided he would be an interesting person to connect with, and maybe he would like my reviews, so I zip him a friend invite on FB, thinking, what the hey, maybe he will dig the up close look at Louisiana juke joints that my writings and photos portray.
So a couple of days later, Ernest befriends me and sends me a question: Would I listen to his CD's and write a review of them? This was interesting, to say the least. I warned him that I would have to be honest about what I thought. However, I have always focused on the ethereal nature of the live show, the quest for the perfect show, the search for that rare musical moment, that...that ...Bix Beiderbecke moment....
Now, for those of you that don't know who Bix was, let me give you a very short music history lesson. Bix was a cornet player that was cursed with the idea that if he could just practice more and more and more, eventually he would finally find that elusive moment where he would play the perfect cornet solo that out shined more any other cornet solos. Bix burned himself out with his obsession with perfection. In his frustration, he became an alcoholic trying to drown out the reality that the ethereal nature of what he was trying to do did not exist.
He was famous for playing with Paul Whiteman's Orchestra in the 1920's and in several other famous Orchestras. He was thrown out of several because he had a tendency to "showboat" unexpectedly without following the orchestra leader's arrangements. The audience LOVED him. In 1929 He died of alcoholic seizure and edema on the brain.
Well, here I was, trying to decide, should I write a review on a CD, a non live performance? How would I go about writing about a CD, a form of music that is NOT ethereal in nature, but fixed and unchanging?
Ernest said he would mail me the CD's and before I realized what was happening, three days later, two CD's arrived on my doorstep. I opened the seals with trepidation. A Zydeco performer from Oakland California? Mmmmm. Could I review them unbiased? I had been to see the real thing many times. All those shows out at Jay's Lounge in 1973 to see Clifton Chenier rang in my memory. Boozoo Chevais, Beau Joucque, Chubby Carrier, Corey Ledet, Lil' Nathan, Buckwheat (Stanley Durel), Keith Frank, Terrance Simien, Ken Hebert, Roddy Romero, Dwayne Dopsie, Rockin' Dopsie, and Joe Brown...could Ernest hold a candle to them? Not to mention, my own Father, Clarence C.F. Whitey Fuller who was known to pick up and play the accordion back in the 1950's on our porch, playing for hours and attracting the attention of all the neighbors up to a block away.
I took the CD's into the car, I listened to them non stop for four days. I found the two discs very pleasing. Then I just HAD TO call Ernest James upon the phone. We had a delightful 45 minute conversation about it all: his gigs, his life, his influences,his growing up experience in Oakland California which involved hanging out with some street musicians playing in drum circles, and all about the Kansas City music scene, which seems to be very fulfilling to him. There were many parallels in our lives when it came to some of our experiences wandering around in the city as teenagers. He was in Oakland, and I was in New Orleans 20 years before him, running around the French Quarter and in the Uptown clubs with a fake ID listening to live music. I asked him if he had ever come down to Louisiana and get to know some of the Zydeco performers and he mentioned one trip he had made and wound up in a Jam session with Amede Ardoin's band members. How wonderful, I thought! Yes, he had met the real deal, up front and in person!
Now for the review: The first CD, released in 2009, titled "Jubilee" is my favorite of the two. There was an undercurrent of the Zydeco Blues, which, of course knocks me out. But, while very much schooled in the standard Zydeco styled accordion riffs, Ernest writes lyrics that reflect his world. On "Thought about Venus," he writes a love song about camping and star gazing with a woman named Jessie James, ( who I guessed is probably his wife,) who pushes him to do things he normally he would not do, like swim in the river, which I believe, is just a metaphor for opening himself up to new things that she leads him to. It is a wonderful love song revealing that he had to learn to trust her lead.
"My Little Josephine" is a funky little song that taps back into the Beatnik Jazz/Blues groove of the 1950's. It is very clever and is a fresh new take on that era. I love it immensely. I found myself hitting replay on that song several times every time it played. The previous song on the disc, "My little 'Hosephine, the same song done in a different style was not as pleasing to me. Ernest sings using Creole Patois on part and then lapses into regular Californian dialect in other parts, which spoils it for me. One way or the other, Ernest, I thought. Creole Patois, or Californian. Make up your mind.
My guess is that Ernest was so emotionally attached to both versions he could not chose just one of the two for the disc, so put them both on, kind of like having twins and knowing you love them both. It is impossible to choose one over the other.
Then there are the hardcore Zydeco songs most of which are found on the CD released in 2010 named " Roots Rocket Radio." Zydeco Festival, and Mama's in the Kitchen, are two of my favorite cuts here. The lyrics on Honey Zydeco, "Licking honey off a razor's edge" really get to me! It epitomizes loving a person that you KNOW is bad for you. You know, that kind of moth to the flame kind of love? It is all wonderful, music in synch and lyrics that knock me out. Beautiful.
Throughout the two CD's runs a tiny musical thread that can be picked up now and then that reflects Ernest's Oakland California influence. He weaves it in unexpectedly. He claims not to see that influence at all. But, I catch it in the guitar licks that slip in from time to time. In some places a cool slide guitar seeps in.
There are some repeats of songs that appear on the same disc, which Ernest calls "Dub" versions. They are the same songs altered with sound effects that distort the songs. For those of you who like that type of musical experimentation, they will be a treat. For my interests, I prefer natural musical notes without distortion. However, I revel in the IDEA that Ernest has the nerve to experiment this way and push the envelope. The undercurrent of Blues is pleasing.
On the second disc, "Roots Rocket Radio," Ernest fools around with a joke theme in between songs about an alien space ship that lands and abducts the band in the end. On first listen, it seemed silly. In retrospect, it lies within Zydeco guidelines, for every Zydeco performer I have seen has their joking moments during their show where they lighten things up. Case in point: During Chubby Carrier's show, they circle the club with a bottle of Hot Sauce and get people to take drops of it on their tongue.
What I found was two solid CD's of well written songs, pushing the Zydeco envelope, opening up my reality: Zydeco is really an art form that can be woven into and OUT OF Louisiana.
May 21,2010
Part One:Aftermath of April shows, A Sampler of Louisiana Music
Part One:Aftermath of April shows, A Sampler of Louisiana Music
by Patty McGehee
I may not have stated it outright in my blogs, but I just don't go to the NOLA Jazz Fest anymore. It is not that I think it is not worthy, but I have strong feelings about artists not having enough stage time to do full sets. (Also, I like indoor bathrooms, air condition, cold drinks, and do not fare well in extreme heat.)
On April 21st, I was over at The Blue Moon Saloon in Lafayette gearing up for the shows I had planed on seeing and I was discussing said Jazz fest with Roddie Romero and Eric Adcock. They asked me what my Jazz Fest plans were. It was around 5:00 and they were hanging around during set up of Lil' Band Of Gold's show that night with the Bobby Charles tribute lineup. I expressed my opinion to Eric that artists at Jazz Fest did not have enough time to "get in the pocket, you know, like that song you recorded with Chubby says..." and Eric jumped on that. "We are ALWAYS in the pocket after a minute at OUR shows, " said Eric, and Roddie said the same thing. I have to agree, at the start of their shows THEY are in the pocket right away, but alas, many other bands have to warm up to the crowd, get into a groove, and then they gell...Some times that does not happen in the heat at Jazz Fest, in the rain, in the crowds, in the confusion...And before the magic gets to groove, many sets are over....And the band was just getting started.
Our plans were for Dan and I to start out in Chico State Park on April 18th to see The Lost Bayou Ramblers and Lil' Band of Gold. Annette would arrive Tuesday and we would go see the Bobby Charles Tribute show with Lil' Band of Gold at the Blue Moon Saloon in Lafayette on the 21st, see the same show at Chicke Wah Wah in NOLA on Thursday the 22nd, Anders Osborne and Eric Lindell at The Rock N Bowl in NOLA Friday the 23rd, Saturday go to The Baton Rouge Blues Festival to see Toney Joe White or Festival Internationale in Lafayette and to the Blue Moon Saloon to see Cedric Watson, Sunday go see Sonny Landreth and Tab Benoit with La LeRoux, and Jimmy Hall at The Rock and Bowl NOLA, and Monday go to the French Quarter to Louisiana Music Factory to see Little Freddie King, Zachary Richard, and Big Sam's Funky Nation.
Then when Annette went home, Dan and I would continue our quest by seeing The North Mississippi Allstars at the Varsity in Baton Rouge on the 28th, and Lil' Band of Gold's Tribute to Bobby Charles show again at the Parish in NOLA after catching them at Louisiana Music Factory earlier that evening. Plans were to catch Lil' Buck Sinegal and CC Adcock at Chickie Wah Wah's Friday the 30th, but exhaustion set in and we called it quits.
Sunday, 4/18/10 at Dewey Balfa's Cajun Heritage Workshop dance at Chico State Park ( In a big top tent with a wooden dance floor)
The weather was cool and a bit misty. We drove over leaving at 2:30 in the afternoon and after some trouble finding the park we settled in with just enough time to catch The Lost Bayou Ramblers. Very Old school Cajun music with lots of waltzes to dance the Two step to and all of it was sweet and sung in French. Great stuff. Lots of people were Two Steppin' and waltzing on the big wooden dance floor.
Lil' Band of Gold was minus bass player Dave Ranson and Steve Riley, but it was fantastic anyway. Warren Storm's voice was clear and strong. He knocked me out singing that song "I don't wanna know... " written by Bobby Charles. Because of not having the bass, it made CC's guitar more pronounced which was a treat for me.
It was a show worthy of making a three hour drive for. We got home at midnight.
Tuesday: 4/20/10 I swooped up Annette from the airport in NOLA and we went back to Ponchatoula picking up two flats of fresh Strawberries for the freezer. While I stemmed and washed them, Annette packed them in bags for the freezer. We plotted our music extravaganza for the week to come chatting about it while working.
Wednesday: 4/21/10 Lil' Band of Gold 's Tribute to Bobby Charles show at The Blue Moon Saloon.
Annette, Dan, and I got into Lafayette around 5:00 and went to the Moon to get tickets and wound up hanging out at The Blue Moon with Roddie and Eric for a while. We went to get dinner and returned to get a place up front. Everyone was there that mattered. This was an old fashioned Musician's Wake for their dear friend Bobby Charles. Those that attended to mourn and play in his honor included: Sonny Landreth, Bobby McClain. Warren Storm, Eric Adcock, CC Adcock, Steve Riley, Dave Ranson, Derek Huston, Pat Breaux, Drew Landry, Dickie Landry, Dave Egan, Roddie Romero, and a steel pedal guitar player.
Huge copy of the Bobby Charles Guidry 45 titled "See ya later, Alligator" by Patty McGehee
Drew Landry, Eric Adcock, and Dave Egan wrote a wonderful song during Bobby's actual wake and Drew sang it, clutching in his hand a copy of the lyrics. To me, that was a highlight of the show. He looked nervous but put on an excellent performance. I was right in front to him and I had a keen sense of his stage fright. That endeared him to me all the more. The show went on and on playing a long list of recognizable famous songs that Bobby wrote, ending with "See Ya Later Alligator..." Lil' Band of Gold stayed put to encore with several of their songs, my favorite that night was "Spoon bread." Tommy McClain is wonderful. Derek Huston's addition to the Sax triplets was astonishingly good. Sonny Landreth excellent, but for some reason, it did not seem to fit in well with the Swamp Pop Groove. He started early, played a few, and went home...I suppose he needed to get rested up for the shows he had scheduled ahead. His playing seemed to get everyone warmed up and ready to go...
Drew singing "Ain't worryin' no more" song written by Him, Dave Egan and Eric Adcock
by Patty McGehee
Pat Breaux and Derek Huston by Patty McGehee
CC Adcock, Sonny Landreth, and Steve Riley by Patty McGehee
Thursday: 4/22/10 Lil' Band of Gold 's Tribute to Bobby Charles show at Chickie Wah Wah's NOLA.
This was a stellar show showcasing some of the wonderful songs Bobby Charles wrote. My favorite song was "The Last Hayride," a song written by CC Adcock and Jimmy Macdonnel which comments on Louisiana's political past.
Annette and I met some of Warren Storm's family members and we got to talk to Pat Breaux and other band members. It was kinda like being at a private party, because the attendee's were a lot of Lafayette friends and family that had driven over just for this show. Toward's the end, I ran out of physical steam and had to go sit outside on a bench to rest. I was astonished to see that the music from there was heard just perfectly. I did not miss a thing being there instead of inside. The door was wide open and I could actually see the stage from there. After the show was over, we hung around on the sidewalk visiting with Warren Storm's daughter and family. It was a great night.
Warren Storm -Dave Egan in back by Patty McGehee
By Dan McGehee -Annette, Dawn, and Patty
Steve Riley by Patty McGehee
Friday: 4/23/10
Anders Osborne and Eric Lindell at the Rock N Bowl NOLA.
Anders blew us away with his set of hard driving rock. Minus a bass player, the organist filled in with a bass line on the organ. Anders played powerful guitar and Stanton Moore banged the drums in his hypnotic way. It was a stellar, unpredicted performance. I did not expect it to be so powerful and hard driven.
Eric Lindell held his own, but it was a different type of groove. The highlight was hearing him sing several love songs, which I really like about him. I think his voice quality is not carried over to disc. I only like to hear him live, for some reason, where I can hear a certain whine in his voice that does not seem to record well. I love that song "Lay back down" and he did not disappoint me. Derek Huston had his baritone Sax there and I love hearing him play.
When they left the stage, we three decided that we had "had it." We needed rest. We got back in to Ponchatoula at 2:30 a. m. If we had stayed to see Kermit Ruffins it would have been four am.
Derek Huston with Eric Lindel
Photo by Patty McGehee
Anders Osborne
Photo by Patty McGehee
Saturday: 4/24/10 Festival Internationale and Cedric Watson at The Blue Moon Saloon Lafayette.
Sat morn, I got a call from my mother. She had a fainting spell and I had to check on her. I offered to take her to the emergency room and she let it pass and wanted to go to the store instead. I took her, so we got a late start. We were going to go to The Baton Rouge Blues Festival to catch Tony Joe White, but by the time I finished with mother, we had missed who we wanted to go see, so we changed our plans.
Leaving at 3:00 we drove over to Lafayette and walked around the Festival Internationale grounds stopping to see The International Fiddle Summit. That was a sweet 30 minutes. But the rest of the Festival was a bust. We were there right in the middle of a hip hop genre. Not our style of music, I must say. We went to the crafts booths in a rock parking lot that hurt my feet badly. It was hot and windy and uncomfortable. We slipped off to get some food. We arrived at The Moon around 8:00 to see Cedric Watson. It was a long wait to see him. He brought with him Morikeba Kouyate, a gentleman from Senegal that played a homemade instrument called a Kora. It was fun, but we were exhausted and were expecting Cedric to play his show. Instead, it became a jam with the African. Cedric was excited about it. I respected that, but were were a bit disappointed. At the time, all of the songs sounded the same. (Maybe, is possible that it was because they were recording and probably actually played the same songs more than once get good recordings???) This set became part of the CD Creole Moon: Live from The Blue Moon on Valcour records! We decided at 12:00 to slip out and drive back to Poncahtoula, arriving home at 1:45 am thoroughly exhausted.
Cedric Watson
Photo by Patty McGehee
Photo by Patty McGehee
The Kora up close
Photo by Patty McGehee
Morikeba Kouyate - photo by Patty McGehee |
Jimmy Hall from Wet Willie
Photo by Patty McGehee
Photo By Patty McGehee
Jimmy Hall and Leon Medica
Sunday: 4/25/10
Sonny Landreth, Tab Benoit with Jimmy Hall and Louisiana LeRoux at
The Rock N Bowl NOLA
We all slept in and rested off and on all day, recharging our batteries. We got down to the Rock N Bowl with little wiggle room. Sonny put on a great show playing new music that was wonderful. It was a little short of what he usually does, and I was disappointed he did not play "Congo Square." It was all excellent quality.
Tab came on with LeRoux backing up. It became clear that this was not going to be a "Tab" show, but Tab was sitting in with Le Roux. I was a bit disappointed. This set was a bit strange in the middle of the Louisiana stuff we had been on a quest for. Le Roux plays 70's Pop, Really GOOD 70's POP. But it did not seem to fit, in a way after watching so many Swamp Pop shows back to back. Their vocals are amazing. Jimmy Hall came out and played " Invitation to the Blues," which knocked me out. I am a rabid Jimmy Hall fan and I was in live music heaven at this point.It was wonderful. Then it got ugly...Rowdy fans piled in there and two young women decided that they were going to push me around and try to make me retreat so they could take my place up front. I would not allow it. They kept trying to get in between me and Dan. I put up with it through Jimmy's performance and Le Roux playing their famous "New Orleans' Ladies" and then I threw in the towel leaving Dan to fend for himself. I retreated to sit down. But, two of my old rail hugger friends up front assured me that they were not going to allow them up there just to spite them. Truth is, if they had been polite and had asked me, I would have let them in front of me. The sound was very loud, and anyway, I was having pain in my right ear due to fluid in it. I retreated to across the room and found a seat for the remainder of the set.
Monday: 4/26/10
Louisiana Music Factory Decatur Street, NOLA, The Kerry Irish Pub Decatur Street NOLA
Annette and I got up late and rested taking a nap or two, and left the house at 2:00 to get to LMF at to see Zachary Richard. We got there in enough time to see Little Freddie King and Zachary Richard. Zachary's show was beautiful. The highlight was the piano played by David Torkanowsky. He played underneath a picture of Professor Longhair. How befitting. It reminded me of my Daddy's honky tonk New Orleans style of piano playing. It made me miss Daddy.
Zack sings at
Louisiana Music Factory
Photo by Patty McGehee
David Torkanowsky
Photo by Patty McGehee
When that was over we walked down to Jackson Square and back stopping at The Kerry to eat boiled crawfish and listen to Foot and Friends play Americana music. It was a fun time. We watched a whole set, hob knobbing with the musicians after wards. Annette had a blast. We went back to LMF to catch Big Sam's Funky Nation, a fun, spirited set.
Chasing the burn of Cayenne from boiled crawfish is
writer Annette Davol and Patty McGehee,
At The Kerry Irish Pub (NOLA) watching
Foot and Friends,
who play Americana style music
Annette meets the band at The Kerry
Photo by Patty McGehee
Part Two-Wed, April 28th, 2010. North Mississippi Allstars, Lil' Band of Gold Louisiana Music Factory music store 4/29/10
by Patty McGehee on Friday, May 21, 2010 at 8:31pm
Wednesday April 28th, 2010: North Mississippi Allstars (Sorry - not all music in La. is played by locals!)
On Tuesday, I drove Annette to the airport. I was sad to see her go, but I did need a rest and spent the rest of the day in bed . On Wednesday evening, we drove over to Baton Rouge to See the North Mississippi Allstars. Larry, Dan, and I went early in order to eat at The Chimes. We were hanging out and Chris Chew walked in and sat next to us. He was eating healthy stuff. A huge plate of steamed broccoli was sitting there next to him and we kept glancing over at him eating! WE made small talk and Larry HAD to tell Chris hello. Of course Larry had to ask him about 20 questions. We talked a bit to him and I asked if I could get a photo with him. He said yes and got up. Dan snapped our picture and Chris gave me a big wet kiss on the cheek and a gentle hug. That tickled me. It was my 31st Wedding Anniversary and Larry treated us to dinner as a gift.
We went next door and waited for the doors to open at The Varsity. We got a table on the middle level right in front. We chatted and talked for quite a while. The place filled up and a band from Memphis played first. They were OK, BUT, I was wanting to hear Luther Dickinson.
Luther came out The night went on and it became apparent that the show was going to be one big Jam session. I never felt that they got "in the pocket." They took a break and Cody Dickinson came out with the electric washboard and it got interesting. After the 20 minutes or so of his psychedelic rub board, I felt a bit better about the set. Chris Chew did play some solid bass, I have to say that. I was back and forth getting photos and the camera would not work well. I was getting disgusted with it.
The fact that they were jamming kept them from getting into the grooves they have played the last 6 times I have seen them. It seemed to me that Luther was just in the mood to play what he wanted at whim, not follow any set list or plan. It was so disorganized that I felt that the music was not worth the torture of cigarette smoke.
I spent the last 30 minutes out in front of The Varsity, directing from the ground, a guy putting letters up on the Marquee. He was looking at them from above and upside down. We became fast friends because he needed my help. When a transient man came up and started to hassle me, he told him from above, "Hey, you move on and leave my girlfriend alone," and when the transient went on in disbelief, we both cracked up laughing, me 55 years old and this kid of about 20 pretending to be my boyfriend. I told him, "You should have told him to leave my mama alone!" He said, "I didn't think of that."
I went across the street and sat in the car with the doors locked and Dan and Larry finally came out. They seemed to be in the same frame of mind as me about the show. NOT what we expected. Disappointed. While there were some good moments of Luther's prowess on the guitar, Chris' solid bass lines, and Cody's wash board psychedelia, it was not what we had come to hear. While each performer has the licks, they had not meshed to showcase them.
Patty and Chris Chew

On Tuesday, I drove Annette to the airport. I was sad to see her go, but I did need a rest and spent the rest of the day in bed . On Wednesday evening, we drove over to Baton Rouge to See the North Mississippi Allstars. Larry, Dan, and I went early in order to eat at The Chimes. We were hanging out and Chris Chew walked in and sat next to us. He was eating healthy stuff. A huge plate of steamed broccoli was sitting there next to him and we kept glancing over at him eating! WE made small talk and Larry HAD to tell Chris hello. Of course Larry had to ask him about 20 questions. We talked a bit to him and I asked if I could get a photo with him. He said yes and got up. Dan snapped our picture and Chris gave me a big wet kiss on the cheek and a gentle hug. That tickled me. It was my 31st Wedding Anniversary and Larry treated us to dinner as a gift.
We went next door and waited for the doors to open at The Varsity. We got a table on the middle level right in front. We chatted and talked for quite a while. The place filled up and a band from Memphis played first. They were OK, BUT, I was wanting to hear Luther Dickinson.
Luther came out The night went on and it became apparent that the show was going to be one big Jam session. I never felt that they got "in the pocket." They took a break and Cody Dickinson came out with the electric washboard and it got interesting. After the 20 minutes or so of his psychedelic rub board, I felt a bit better about the set. Chris Chew did play some solid bass, I have to say that. I was back and forth getting photos and the camera would not work well. I was getting disgusted with it.
The fact that they were jamming kept them from getting into the grooves they have played the last 6 times I have seen them. It seemed to me that Luther was just in the mood to play what he wanted at whim, not follow any set list or plan. It was so disorganized that I felt that the music was not worth the torture of cigarette smoke.
I spent the last 30 minutes out in front of The Varsity, directing from the ground, a guy putting letters up on the Marquee. He was looking at them from above and upside down. We became fast friends because he needed my help. When a transient man came up and started to hassle me, he told him from above, "Hey, you move on and leave my girlfriend alone," and when the transient went on in disbelief, we both cracked up laughing, me 55 years old and this kid of about 20 pretending to be my boyfriend. I told him, "You should have told him to leave my mama alone!" He said, "I didn't think of that."
I went across the street and sat in the car with the doors locked and Dan and Larry finally came out. They seemed to be in the same frame of mind as me about the show. NOT what we expected. Disappointed. While there were some good moments of Luther's prowess on the guitar, Chris' solid bass lines, and Cody's wash board psychedelia, it was not what we had come to hear. While each performer has the licks, they had not meshed to showcase them.
Patty and Chris Chew
Cody Dickinson and his Psychedelic washboard by Patty McGehee
Thursday, April 29th, 2010. Shannon McNally and Lil' Band Of Gold at Louisiana Music Factory, and Lil' Band Of Gold Tribute to Bobby Charles at The Parish, Decatur Street, NOLA.
I rested quite a bit Thursday during the day and we left out of Ponchatoula with enough time to run down Decatur street to get our Will Call Tickets at the ticket booth in time to catch Shannon McNally at LMF. As we stepped off the street in front of the House Of Blues, CC Adcock stepped out of the service alley with enough time to give me a quick hug and a to shake Dan's hand. He was bustling to get set up for the show and he seemed to be all excited and energized.
Shannon and her band put on a good set. I enjoyed her singing a lot. When the crowd left out, we jockeyed for a position and I managed to get to the right in front of Dave Egan on the piano.
This was an all Lil' Band of Gold set, not the tribute. It was wonderful. The band played several of their best songs and Warren Storm's voice knocked me out. David was under the Fess Poster and I felt the desire to compare a him to my favorite piano players at that moment. My Daddy (C. F. Whitey Fuller), Fess, James Booker, David Torkanowsky, Marcia Ball, Earl Scioneaux III, Sherman Bernard, Eric Adcock, and Dr. John all come to mind. But David Egan was holding his own and he sang his theme song, "I am a dreamer." I LOVE THAT SONG!!!
CC was having a great time and he was joking and having a ball. At the end they played "Spoon bread." It was incredible. Warren came down and shook my hand, David kissed me on the cheek, and we slipped off to find dinner before the next show at The Parish.
CC Adcock, Steve Riley, and Tommy McClain
photo by Patty McGehee
David Egan
Photo by Patty McGehee
Warren Storm
Photo by Patty McGehee
CC, Steve, Tommy
Photo by Patty McGehee
Dan and I wandered around the French Quarter and found a romantic place to eat. I got Shrimp Scampi and Dan got fish. It was very good and we were having a wonderful romantic moment. We wandered back to The Parish along Decatur Street. The night was perfectly cool and a slight breeze was making it very comfortable to be out on the street.The people on the street were pleasant and jovial. We wandered back just in time for the show to start...
Part Three: The Parish-tribute to Bobby Charles with Lil' Band Of Gold and Special Guests
by Patty McGehee on Sunday, May 23, 2010 at 2:42pm
When we got back to HOB, the place was packed and we walked in with enough time for me to go to the Lady's room and BAM, they were up. No way to get up front all of the way. My cousin runs the sound board there and he said I was in the right place for the sound. I was standing in the "sweet spot," as the music techs call it.
LBG was AMAZING! Robert Plant did not materialize, but Elvis Costello was great, but NOT as great as WARREN! Dr JOHN was there but that just melted into the mix. Elvis has a wonderful stage presence. The rest of the show had the same lineup as the Wed night show with the addition of Elvis, Dr. John, Ani De Franco and Shannon McNalley singing backup. I could really get into following Elvis around if only he did shows like that regularly. I had great respect for him.
Drew Landry sang his song again as he did at The Blue Moon, clutching the lyrics. He did not read them, but felt safe having them in his had IF he needed them. Sweet stuff.
CC's performance shined and he was euphoric during the whole show. I do think that "The Last Hayride" was the best song. It had ALL of CC's talent shining in that song, like an old The Lafayette Marquis show. I was knocked out!! CC was so charged up and he looked excited beyond belief. His guitar was strong and awesome.
Right after the show ended, Eric Adcock came out and walked right up to me and hugged me asking me if I knew where his wife was and he asked "Did you take good care of her? She is a little tiny thing?" I told him she disappeared as soon as the show ended. He ran off looking for her, he wanted to be with her so bad and she had left and gone to the hotel, I think.
We waited for my cousin to finish taking down equipment to speak to him for a couple of minutes. He gave us two list sets. He introduced me to his boss, the manager of The Parish HOB's. He was nice, but busy.
Drew Landry walked out and came up to talk to me. I told him I was going to bring him a wonderful picture of the Wed LGB show of him. I asked him about his music and he offered us a discount on a CD he had in his backpack. We bought it on the spot and he autographed it. (It is WONDERFUL. )
We got the parking validated and it was four bucks to park. I drove us back home with Drew's CD in the player. Dan fell asleep on the way back.
I downloaded pics after I got back from taking down the Hammond Art Guild Art Show which ended the next day. Got the pics off the walls, sales delivered,... a big job for me as the President of Hammond art Guild.
Dan wanted go to the Lil' Buck show later on at 11:00 that night. By 4:00 that afternoon he was asleep on the sofa and did not budge until Sat morning I don't think I had that much Jazz left in me, either.
On Saturday the rain came in all over Louisiana and we decided to forgo the Crawfish Festival. It made me a bit sad. Tornadoes had touched down in several places and high wind advisories were here and there. We lazed around for the remainder of vacation. ...



LBG was AMAZING! Robert Plant did not materialize, but Elvis Costello was great, but NOT as great as WARREN! Dr JOHN was there but that just melted into the mix. Elvis has a wonderful stage presence. The rest of the show had the same lineup as the Wed night show with the addition of Elvis, Dr. John, Ani De Franco and Shannon McNalley singing backup. I could really get into following Elvis around if only he did shows like that regularly. I had great respect for him.
Drew Landry sang his song again as he did at The Blue Moon, clutching the lyrics. He did not read them, but felt safe having them in his had IF he needed them. Sweet stuff.
CC's performance shined and he was euphoric during the whole show. I do think that "The Last Hayride" was the best song. It had ALL of CC's talent shining in that song, like an old The Lafayette Marquis show. I was knocked out!! CC was so charged up and he looked excited beyond belief. His guitar was strong and awesome.
Right after the show ended, Eric Adcock came out and walked right up to me and hugged me asking me if I knew where his wife was and he asked "Did you take good care of her? She is a little tiny thing?" I told him she disappeared as soon as the show ended. He ran off looking for her, he wanted to be with her so bad and she had left and gone to the hotel, I think.
We waited for my cousin to finish taking down equipment to speak to him for a couple of minutes. He gave us two list sets. He introduced me to his boss, the manager of The Parish HOB's. He was nice, but busy.
Drew Landry walked out and came up to talk to me. I told him I was going to bring him a wonderful picture of the Wed LGB show of him. I asked him about his music and he offered us a discount on a CD he had in his backpack. We bought it on the spot and he autographed it. (It is WONDERFUL. )
We got the parking validated and it was four bucks to park. I drove us back home with Drew's CD in the player. Dan fell asleep on the way back.
I downloaded pics after I got back from taking down the Hammond Art Guild Art Show which ended the next day. Got the pics off the walls, sales delivered,... a big job for me as the President of Hammond art Guild.
Dan wanted go to the Lil' Buck show later on at 11:00 that night. By 4:00 that afternoon he was asleep on the sofa and did not budge until Sat morning I don't think I had that much Jazz left in me, either.
On Saturday the rain came in all over Louisiana and we decided to forgo the Crawfish Festival. It made me a bit sad. Tornadoes had touched down in several places and high wind advisories were here and there. We lazed around for the remainder of vacation. ...
Drew clutching lyrics he never read
Photo by Patty McGehee
Photo by Patty McGehee
Steve Riley, Elvis Costello, CC Adcock
Sorry about the picture quality-the camera would not focus - that is why it is in the shop
Sorry about the picture quality-the camera would not focus - that is why it is in the shop
Best CC Adcock Picture from the night
Photo by Patty McGehee
Photo by Patty McGehee